2015년 2월 26일 목요일

winmail.dat / TNEF 포멧 제거 방법

Disabling TNEF in Outlook

The sender can avoid sending TNEF attachments by by turning off TNEF in Outlook. When Outlook is configured to send e-mail in "Outlook Rich Text Format", it may use TNEF. When it sends in "HTML" or "Plain Text", it uses standard, compatible formats. There are two options for disbling TNEF:
In at least Outlook 2002 (a.k.a. Outlook XP) and Outlook 2003, if it's being used at a business, the following is recommended to ensure compatibility with corporate mail systems:
  1. On the "Tools" menu, click "Options", then click the "Mail Format" tab, and then the "Internet Format" button.
  2. Set "When sending Outlook Rich Text messages to Internet ..." to either "Convert to HTML format" or "Convert to Plain Text format".

In all versions of Outlook, you can disable TNEF completely:
  1. On the "Tools" menu, click "Options", and then click the "Mail Format" tab.
  2. In the "Send in this message format" list, click "Plain Text" or "HTML", and then click "OK". 

원문은 위를 확인하면 되고, 아래와 같이 안내하도록 하자.

아래와 같이 Outlook 의 "도구" 메뉴에서 "메일" 메뉴에서 "작성할 메시지 형식" 을 HTML 로 설정해 주세요.